The Trifold Approach to Inner Journeying is a three-step process which includes visualization and using your other inner senses to travel within your own imaginal spaces. With it, you can learn to perceive, recognize and decrypt your own personal symbolic language as you intuit the meanings of the things that you encounter in those spaces. You can also use Inner Journeying as part of the basis of dialoguing with spiritual guides.

Kevin will introduce you to your own personal spiritual guide or guides and then arrive to your own foundational Alchemical Memory Palace located within your imaginal realm.
With your guide you will begin to explore and get to know what your Memory Palace looks and feels like and discover some of the potentials which may be located within it.

The idea of creating a Memory Palace for storing and recalling units of information is not new, techniques for doing so have been around for literally thousands of years. Although that is the case, using spatial memory like this is not at all common during this day-in-age for most people. Developing the capacity to engage with it effectively is time intensive and time is often treated as our most valuable personal commodity. However, for one who is interested in exploring the depths of their own imaginal spaces and who has the patience to try it out, with dedication this technique can become an invaluable asset and resource towards fortifying your creative imagination.
With it and in conjunction with Inner Journeying and its aspect of creative writing and record-keeping, you can train your inner senses to perceive and sustain holding inner spaces, mental objects and forms and other sensual impressions in your memory with relative clarity. In this case, rather than using this technique to simply recall basic everyday ideas, Kevin will instead introduce it as a way of interfacing more directly with your creative and spiritual intuition, as a kind of psychic hub and relay.
Your Alchemical Memory Palace can be a nest, a sanctuary, an inner home for you to constantly return to and transform within. It can be a storehouse of spiritual realizations and contemplations. It can be a central point of distribution of your intentional and creative imaginal activities, a fount of creativity.
This session will be a beginners guide, a basic how-to, and Kevin is going to make it as easy to understand as possible as we go along. Do not feel overwhelmed if these kinds of ideas or approaches are new to you.
As long as you have an imagination and a will you are good to go!
Thursday March 31, 2022
8 - 10 pm Central European
2 - 4 pm Eastern
11 - 1 am Pacific
*Please check your local time zones.
This lecture will be hosted on a Zoom call that participants will receive when they register. All sessions are recorded and available for replay for all participants.


Kevin Campeau
Born in Alberta, Canada, Kevin Campeau spent his childhood living on an experimental farm in the northern prairies.
He came to discover a passion for drawing and writing, inspired mostly by his love for reading and his states of play. He explored and nurtured these modalities for creative expression throughout his time growing up. After finishing school he moved to Edmonton, Alberta to attend art college. He stayed for one semester and, unsatisfied with what he found to be a stale curriculum and environment, decided to drop out. He moved to Alberta's Rocky Mountains, seeking adventure, new experiences and a new landscape. It was here that he was overtaken by a sudden illness which left him nearly completely paralyzed.
After this illness he moved to Quebec in Eastern Canada. Catalyzed by his experience, it was there that he began to focus reflectively into his creative process while seeking methods for spiritual inner healing. He took up meditation, which led him deeper into the practices of Inner Journeying, drawing and writing. These practices began to interweave and function as a unit. As he would meditate into his inner landscapes, inspired sometimes by vivid dreams or simply by what was arising in the moment, he would encounter archetypal spiritual guides and dialogue with them, recording these dialogues in writing and drawing.
He attended The Visions in the Mischtechnik Seminar in Italy in the summer of 2012, following a calling to learn painting and expand his ability to share imagery based on his inner experiences. He also attended The Vienna Academy of Visionary Art from its inception, becoming the first graduate of its 3 year program in June of 2016.
Since 2012 Kevin has been teaching his Trifold Approach to Inner Journeying to others from around the world. In 2017 he began offering his experience to others as a teacher of acrylic painting, oil painting and drawing. He co-taught that summer during The Visions in the Mischtechnik Seminar in Torri Superiore, Italy and returned again to teach in 2019. He also taught for five weeks during the second half of the Fall trimester 2019 at the Vienna Academy of Visionary Art.
In early 2022 he joined the faculty of the Vitra Academy.
Kevin Campeau is currently based in Vienna, Austria.